Clues will usually come in the form of a simple text; however, they could also come as documents or pictures. Documents can come in many different forms, such as marriage and death certificates, wills, or even receipts for items purchased like hunting knifes or chloroform. Pictures or photographs can also be sent to you as a clue, the picture could contain a person of interest, a place of interest, or an item of interest, or something entirely different.
Hints, on the other hand, are for when you get stuck and cannot solve your mystery, and you must request hints, by using our app you can log-in to your account and request a hint to be sent to you. Hints are always helpful, no matter if you are watching a Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced mystery movie. Clues are always helpful only when watching Beginner mystery movies, clues in Intermediate or Advanced mystery movies, may or may not be helpful.